Day 95-Pink

image At least a ¼ of my clothes and jewelry are a shade of some kind of pink.

I chose pink for this challenge because I thought I was surrounded by it  and it would be easy, but as this challenge goes I really don’t know how what my image will be until  I see at the moment.. Rarely, have I preplanned and been successful with any of the daily challenges.

Consequently, as I filled Easter Eggs  late last night, (yes, a week late-The Easter Bunny waited until I got home to visit) I finally had my pink. Unfortunately, the hideous energy saver light and the lack of motivation did not help in making a very interesting photograph.

So I did what many of my students do when they have a terrible picture and try and disguise it; I slapped a few filters on it. 

One of the biggest things I have learned from this challenge is OK is OK.

This is not about being perfect or the best everyday but accepting the challenge and seeing how far you can push an idea.