A Photo A Day

Day 33-My favorite shoes

Boots have always been my favorite shoes to wear for any occasion in any  season. I gave up high heels sometime in college after realizing they were more of a pain in the butt than a fashion statement.

Old reliables here can go with anything- pants, skirts, fancy dresses and occasional even sweat pants. They are so comfortable I know I can rely on them even when I have to be on my feet all day-(I do have to make sure I have the right socks though.) They are great for dancing. 

I usually get them polished every year at the National Western Stock Show   in Denver when I take my PJ class there to shoot. That didn’t happen this year and you can see the old girls need a bit of TLC.

When in doubt I always turn to my Rocket Dogs (brand name but it suits their personality).


Day 32-Self Portrait


Day 32-Self Portrait-Winter

Work got in the way of creativity…. did I just say something about planning in the last post?

I think there is a seasonal aspect to self portraits- Does a self portrait have to represent you for all eternity or can it just be about right now?

This is my winter portrait, staying warm from the cold and taking lots of steps to organize the “cloud” of material I have for work-hibernating for the winter and planning for the spring transition.

I decided to work off a list for February and challenge a few friends along the way to join me. My prediction is that it will be easier to work off a list but will it limit me?  At least I can attempt to do a bit more planning along the way.
