
Day 43-Hearts

imageI love to craft, but hate that word Craft. Every time I hear it, it reminds me of barbie dolls with crochets dresses that go over toilet paper rolls.

So when my son, typical boy who loves anything to do with sports chose to make Valentine’s for his class instead of buy them I jumped all over it. Knowing that his attention span is limited and his art skills are still developing we took a safe approach of cutting out hearts, stamping them and adding a touch of glitter. Flowers for the girls, pirates and sharks for the boys. This is the result of the two day process.

We had to be very careful about the stickers we put on them- no I love You’s, Be Mine, or Kiss me- I am afraid my son is already a bit girl crazy.

Day 35-Clouds


I love clouds but they aren’t something I spend time taking photographs of. I find that I can never truly capture the feeling of sky full of interestingly shaped clouds and patterns. There is a mood, a nostalgia, I get depending on the time of day and year that I get when I look into the sky- representing that in a photo is almost impossible and attempts to do so just seem fake.

There were some interesting clouds out yesterday - spring type clouds trying to make their presence as gray winter clouds grumpily still held on to their place.

I didn’t think there would be enough contract to pull of the kaleidoscope filter but to my surprise the effects brought more drama to the sky than I expected and create a mood all its own.